@Vita Ornik

Separadores primários

No diamante estará em evidência o teu grupo predominante de competências. Clica em cada grupo e aparecerão em baixo as competências discriminadas.

As minhas aspirações 
This year, I have started worrying about my future and I decided I really have to start thinking about my activities that make me unique. Well, now I am only starting however I wish to have as much activities as possible. For now, I run and practice yoga a bit, also I love to cook even though I don't cook perfectly yet. I really like writing (I guess that comes from my love for books) but sometimes it is hard for me to start moving. Recently, I have become very interested in women rights and rights of all human beings, the nature, just about everything, actually. I regularly follow a lot of pages where I can gain more information about this topics. I also love Ted talks because I believe that people really have a lot of ideas worth sharing. This summer I decided to try volunteering because I'd love to help and I believe I can benefit from such an experience. Additionally, I started working in a project called Growth, a student project, whit which we would like to help our peers grow culturally, emotionally and so on. *My native language is Slovenian but I could not find it in the list of languages so I think it is appropriate to know that.

As minhas competências


capacidade de planeamento
identifica recursos
trabalha em equipa
presta atenção aos pormenores
lida bem com a pressão


assume responsabilidades
define prioridades
toma decisões
exibe liderança
é proativo


comunica de forma eficaz
expressa ideias
constrói relações
escuta ativa
capacidade de negociação
compreende as audiências
escreve de forma clara


avalia necessidades
capacidade de antecipação


é expressivo
capacidade de visualizar
faz ilustrações


competências em TIC
lida com hardware
observa a segurança online

Os meus idiomas

inglês: Fluente, francês: Intermédio