What is YouRock?
YouRock is a free, multi-language, employability networking tool.
It helps employers to:
- Identify proactive new employees with specific skills;
- See international candidates in any of the system languages.
It helps users to:
- Identify their professional work skills;
- Build a dynamic profile showing their primary skill groups;
- Create a portfolio of online content showing their skills.
The User Profile
The profile displays the users' skills in a ‘diamond’ with their strongest skill group as the largest segment.
- Clicking on each segment shows the respective skills in the 'bubbles' below, with all skills listed below that.
- A traditional Resume displays employment, education, qualifications, specific ICT skills, and languages.
- A Portfolio of links to online content can show further evidence of the skills of users.
- Endorsements that the user receives for any skills are shown under the Portfolio.
The Employer Search
Employers do not need to register to search and view user profiles.
- Use the keyword search, or the search button will take you to the search page.
- Employers can search for users by city, country and by the skills they have.
- Results are ordered by relevance to the search criteria.
Multilingual profiles
User profiles can be displayed in any of the site languages by using the language chooser (top right).
- This supports cross border recruitment and identifying users with international transferable skills.
- The current languages are English, French, German, Spanish, Catalan, Italian, Greek, Hungarian, Polish, Portuguese, Dutch, Romanian, Bulgarian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Serbian, Croatian, Russian, Thai and Vietnamese.
- More languages will be added over time.
Search now for a new diamond in your team!